First off I need to handle a few things. We, (Karen, Mattie, and myself), want to express or gratitude to all of you who made a point to send your sympathies for Karen's Dad. Whether on the blog, by phone, by text, in a card, or in person they were all greatly appreciated and helpful. I also owe a special thanks to Stacy Silva for setting us up with a cheap hotel room for the week, don't know what we would have done if we didn't have a place to get away from everything.
Second, the President's State of the Union address. I sat in the hotel and took notes, problem was

I am definitely Super Bowl coveraged out! I've had two weeks of it, which is way too much, and just want it to be over with. It really is completely ridiculous, Tom Brady's foot, Plaxico's prediction, WHO CARES? Let's make a big deal about the Giants thinking they're going to win, honestly what are they supposed to think, "We've got no chance, were just going for the sunshine and to watch commercials."
On the other hand Super Tuesday is going to give us a great insight into who our Presidential candidates will be and which direction our country will head into over the next 4-8 years. So obviously my vote is for Super Tuesday, of course I'll be watching both anyway. And incase you're wondering the Ohio Primary is March 4th.
As sick as I was about all the pre Super Bowl hype, I may be more sick of:
* Who is a b*tch?
* Who won't say the Pledge?
* Who is banging a bible?
* Who is MORE conservative?
Let's get to the final two candidates and have some REAL discussion about how we're going to bounce back from all the bad.
I'm also sick of democrat vs. republican. Who cares? We're all American and we all want the best for our country! Petty sh*t has no place in today's world.
I am addicted to CNN right now, and Barack and to some extent McCain have shyed away from personal attacks. But I agree the crap about not standing for the Pledge, or that Obama's a Muslim or any of the other ridiculous reasons people give for not voting for someone that sounds more like a late night monologue, just sounds ignorant. My belief that Romney is a cyborg and his sons demonic notwithstanding.
There is a BIG diference between the two parties, one believes in helping themselves one in helping others. And this DOES seperate people.
If you're voting for a party, you're way off base. Vote for the person.
I believe you are voting for a person, as will I. What we NEED is a person with enough "!!!" to put aside the party line and do what is best for the country - not what's best for them or their party. I honestly don't know if we have that person (and I say that without trying to insult your passionate support).
McCain-Obama is probably as close as were going to see. This is why I can't vote for Hillary, there is no chance Republicans will go for anything she tries to pass. Like Obama said we've come to a point where a dem can't admit a rep had an idea even if you disagree with it.
McCain's downfall may be that he won't have the support of his own party. Still if Rush Limbaugh hates you, you're doing something right.
I'm a registered Democrat and am sick and tired of the party giving billions of dollars to people who expect that government will support them and their children and their grandchildren, ad infinitum. I'm sick of seeing people with food stamps buy absolute nutritional CRAP that my family doesn't buy. I'm sick of sitting in a doctor's office with single mothers using medical cards while their children are dressed in designer clothes that we can't afford. Both parties care deeply about this country, however, their philosophies differ greatly on how to get the country going - Republicans focus more on big business and economic stimulation while Democrats focus more on GIVING to the masses without requiring them to work for it - and as a party member, that has to change.
Thomas Huxley once wrote, "It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance."
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