It's been a while since I've done one of these but I have 3 quick things to write about.

1. Comedic genius and telephonic assassin Jay Vegas has removed the prank calls he had up and has replaced them with 3 new calls. Check it owuuut!

2. Martini's has come back to life, and is currently attacking my old friends on the AACS school board. You can click
here or on the
Martini's link below.

3. Transformers was freaking awesome. Go see it, it might be thee summer blockbuster. Better than Spider-man 3 and And the third installment of Pirates, both of which I liked. I went in with minimal expectations and was blown away, I'm sure it could have been written a little better or this or that, but it's an action movie. They weren't going to make one Transformer retarded and another gay while having them all speak with British accents in order to win an Oscar. This was the perfect movie for Michael Bay to direct, he tends to make every film he touches over the top, this was an opportunity to do just that and make it work.
Has anyone seen the new Die Hard?
We saw Transformers last night.
It was really good.
I was surprised, definate Blockbuster. (Don't expect much storyline, though.)
As far as story line, I was thrilled I didn't have to wait for an hour to see my first Transformer, like with most comic book movies.
I liked that for the most part they only changed the story line where it was necessary. Bumblebee should have been a VW Beetle and Jazz should have been a Porshe. Prime should not have had flames. Other than that I was happy. ***Spoiler Alert*** My thoughts on the sequel: The decepticons will have established an underwater base that rises out of the trench Megatron was dumped in. Soundwave will probably revive Megs and there will be a struggle as Starscream will have taken control of the decepticons. There will be some reminence of the "Spark" and the Decepticons will triumph leading to a third movie in which Rodimus Prime (my least favorite autobot) has taken over for the deceased Optimus. Sorry, I am an f'ing goon, I know.
The one good thing about me being so busy I couldn't post is that I didn't miss much of your blog. Come back, we need some spuncie-style.
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