Karen, Mattingly and I went to Willoughby today to see the newest film installment of Harry Potter, The Order of the Phoenix. I loved the movie, and it comes in slightly behind Transformers, but ahead of Spider-man 3. If I hadn't read the book first it would probably beat out the robot cars since the characters are so familiar, but as always there a big difference between book and movie. Of course the book is huge so there is no chance of everything making it into the screenplay. That's all I am saying about the movie itself for now, as I figure most of you have yet to see it and I don't want to ruin anything, (Ray!). What I thought I'd do instead is write the blog that will answer the question you are all asking yourselves, "How good does Hermione look in this one?" Now that Emma Watson is 17, and Daniel Radcliffe is flashing his "magic wand" on stage, I figure it's safe enough to delve into this topic a little by ranking a top 5 of the girls in the Harry Potter Movie Franchise.
5. & 4. The Patils. I have often said there are two types of Indian girls, either really hot or really ugly, in my experiences there seem to be very few in the middle. That is until I saw OOTP. The two sisters Parvati and Padma, who I always assumed were twins in the book, are played by Afshan Azad and Shefali Chowdhury looked destined for hotness in Goblet of Fire but seem to have evened out. In defense of my theory Azad sounds Arab not Indian.
3. Nymphadora Tonks. A new character to fans of the films only and an actual member of The Order really should have been in the top two, but I couldn't place her there because she was barely in the movie. She plays a much bigger role in the book, as she is a little older and Harry has a bit of a crush on her. I was excited to see this character and her interactions with Harry, and was let down because there were not to be found. Other than finding out that she prefers to go by her last name, Tonks, we learn nothing about her character.
2. Cho Chang. I hope I offend no one when I say that I share one rule in common with Chuck Norris..."No Asian Chicks." For whatever reason they just do nothing for me. There are a few exceptions and Katie Leung who plays Cho is definitely one of them. Harry has also had a crush on her for a while, but she starting dating Cedric Diggory in the last movie before he was killed by Voldemort, (if I ruined Goblet for you too bad so sad, you have had 2 years to watch it and much longer to read the book so deal with it!). Cho has feelings for Harry too, but having had her ex beau killed kinda complicates things, but they share at least one really good scene.
1. Hermione Granger. I know this one was obvious but, hey I debated between her and Cho Chang. Emma Watson continues to be one of Harry's best friends and it looks like Ron Weasley's love interest, (
Small spoiler here highlight to read:
there is no mention or sign of this relationship in this movie which sucked). Hermione is the girl that you are best friends with and never notice is a girl because you have so much in common, then one day there is this gorgeous woman standing in front of you that you never noticed before.
Honorable mention. Ginny Weasley. Ginny is younger than the rest of the cast and I only mention her in case someone asks. Ginny is still "crushin'" on Harry, but this is similar to above spoiler other than a couple quick glances. Bonnie Wright, appears to have not aged a day since the last movie.
Now go see the movie!
I agree with the line-up as you have it. If Ginny has a growth spurt this summer (they are in pre-production for the next movie now, scheduled to release Nov. 21, 2008)she could jump to third or even second if Tonks doesn't get more face time in the Half-Blood Prince. If they cut as much out of it this might only be a two horse race in movie #6.
Not that it needs to be said but I do not share yours and Chuck's feelings on the ladies of the east. I however was disappointed with her in this one. If I had done a preseason ranking I may have put her above Hermione after seeing her in the Goblet of Fire and reading this book. I still agree with the order you have but I had given it some thought after my first comment.
Also, if it wasn't for the teeth Helena Bonham Carter could have made the honorable mention list with the clevage she was showing.
yeah i didn't even consider Beatrix LeStrange, i guess she just scared me too much.
Willoughby! Thank you for "Shopping Locally" in our community!
You hear from our attorneys you round-eyed zhou-zhou. Asian women love you so hard they permanently make eyes squint.
I'm OK with Asian women, too, T. My Hot or Not (no middle ground) has to do with redheads.
Having not seen any of the movies, I can only comment on the one girl in the news - Emma Watson. She is certainly cute, but seems to have an abundance of brains and common sense. She is impressive from many angles.
I dig the Koreans, not so much the CHinese; iffy on Japanese
you know you're asian if your parents owns a store like a restaurant.
first off to the chancelor of city commerce, put a decent theater in town and I will not only go there I will be a frequent visitor. I would love to not have to decide if a movie is worth an hour trip east or west to see it.
I know that the west end people, better known as cinema Beruit, have really tried to make movie watching a better experience while the lazy manager at the mall theater has done everything to run that place right into the ground. Last 5 experiences were terrible there. I don't mind viewing a comedy in town, but when it comes to something like Harry potter, Spider-man, Transformers, or Pirates of the Carribean I am going to go to where the biggest screen is and the best audio.
Rob, yes red heads also fit into that category, "brunettes are fine, and blondes are fun but when it comes to gettin a dirty job done I need a red headed woman"
Let's not make this a racial debate, it is just a personal preference, but you can add Sun from LOST to my list, Zhang Ziyi from Crouching Tiger, and Chiaki Kuriyama (Gogo) from Kill Bill Vol. 1.
How about Kristi Yamaguchi and Michelle Kwan? USA! USA!
We also ate at Doxie Deli before leaving town, and while the waitress was terrible, the food was great as usual. So there!
When dining at the Doxie Deli please do not argue while others are ordering. Life lesson learned.
Give Rodney a chance
Palumbo is funny. Can't order if people are talking. Too much.
Should I be offended by that dirty job comment?
Chinese girls taste like chicken and broccoli
The city of Ashtabula is planning on opening a theater on Mattson Blvd. My former right hand man and his wife need to work somewhere.
I'm Darth Nilius
In a guest blog bid, Bologna says that Ray Energy, or First Esterly is at it again:
CLEVELAND -- Residents of northeast Ohio are cleaning up this morning after a line of quick-hitting storms and high winds ... knocked down trees and power lines.
FirstEnergy said Friday morning there were only a couple hundred customers without power on Cleveland's east side.
It is clear this is another cover-up from a massive energy-related organization. Give up the charade, the power doesn't just "go out". Jackasses.
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