Monday, April 9, 2007


Not to start another long drawn out debate on here but it's time to discuss what is going on in Iraq, and more importantly where I stand. First, I was among the millions who fell for the lies and misinformation given 4 years ago. Translation: I was for the war. This support didn't last too long. What's gone on in the Middle East in the last 5 years has gotten us no where. We still do not have Bin Laden, there were no WMD, and no Iraqi ties to al Qaeda. We captured Saddam, don't you feel safer now?

The whole idea had to of been dreamed up by complete know nothings. The Middle East dislikes us for two reasons, our support of Israel and our presence in their Holy Lands. Obviously invading these lands was the best thing we could do to stop the terrorists Morons. Terrorists who recruit more terrorists based on our being there. This war in Iraq has done nothing but create more terrorists.

I have wrestled with this for a while now. On one hand I want all of our soldiers home safe NOW, but on the other does pulling out tarnish the memories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice already? Meaning did they die for nothing then? I've decided it doesn't matter because there is no winning this war, not unless we just decide to kill everyone. The longer we are there, the stronger the hatred for us becomes, and there is not much you can do to stop people who are willing to strap bombs to themselves to blow up a building. What are you going to do kill them? They will die gladly and 5 more will replace them willing to die just as "gloriously." There is a civil war going on there that we have no business being a part of, it has gone on for centuries and no amount of mumbled words from George W. are going to stop it now.

Besides how many more soldiers have to die for nothing before we realize it's a lost cause? Bush fights wars like I play poker. I hope for a strong enough hand to win early, and when I have nothing after the flop, I keep throwing chips at it hoping I get lucky or the other guy gives up. I just can't give in though because I already have so much invested, my only solution is to lose more to prove I am not intimidated by the other player. But ultimately I lose rather than folding and regrouping for the next hand. Which is always certain too follow. The guys who have rotated back to the states are supposed to get 12 months state side before returning to duty in Iraq. The only problem is our military is so stretched so thin they are going back 2-3 months early. Yet, we may or may not be looking to invade Iran.

Anyway, I received bumper stickers in the mail today that look like the picture above. I made a small donation to and they sent me 10 of them, so if any of you would like one just let me know and I will mail one out to you. Warning though, it will not be as easy as a magnetic yellow ribbon to put one on your car and make you feel like you've done something when you haven't.


Blogger said...

War, Good God, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing, huh.
This looks really silly unless you're singing along to the song in my head.
My brother made it out of Iraq, so we were lucky. If Troy is indicative of the others in the military, they don't want to be there, but they're doing their job. I know it's not "manly" or strong to say they want to come home, but who wouldn't trade being shot at for an early morning 10-mile hike?

Spungalo said...

Robbie, from what little I know Troy, I know he is a good person and I am also glad to hear he is back safe. Is he home for good now? My family has been lucky that we haven't been directly affected by this mess over there. I have two brothers who are both career enlisted men. One, Chuckie, retired a few years ago from the Air Force. The other, Jeff, is a Chief Warrant Officer in the Navy. He is also a Dive Master, (Think Men of Honor), which there is obviously little use for in the middle of the desert.

As for being manly, hell I came to your place in Dallas, ate drank, laid by the pool and had a ball for five days but I wanted to go home. I couldn't imagine being halfway around the world fighting a war I didn't believe in. God Bless these men and women and get the ALL back here safe ASAP!!

Anonymous said...

So what is your thought on "if we don't fight over there, they will bring it here"??
I, personally,am not for any type of war, BUT, when the powers that be make the decision to go to war, then fight like you are in one. This war shouldn't have gone on this long. Whatever happened to "All's fair in love and war"? Had we gone over and fought a war when we first got there, instead of being so freakin' politically correct, it would be said and done a long time ago. Instead, years go by, with no end in sight. Lives lost, ungodly amounts of money spent, and George W. blowing smoke constantly. All three are unacceptable in my opinion.

Spungalo said...

First off Coll' the Iraqi's weren't coming here, maybe we should have considered invading Saudi Arabia, since 14 out of 19 of the 9/11 terrorists were from there. Of course those are the Bushies allies, you the government doesn't even mention that.

I for one am glad we are beyond all's fair in love and war. You can't say your goal is to liberate the Iraqis from tyranny and then kill them just for being in their own country. Do you think blowing up the entire country will win us favor with the rest of the world, or will keep the rest of the Middle East from hating us?

We did go over and win "the war" we beat Saddam's Royal Guard or whatever the hell they were called. But as I said, we've created a much bigger enemy just by being there. Which is what everyone besides this administration saw coming.

Anonymous said...

I don't know....I sort of think that people may be right in believing if we didn't go over there to fight, terrorism would have gotten real bad here after 9/11. "They" hated us enough to come and kill what I believe were all innocent people, don't you think "they" would have done it again had we not taken some sort of "we aren't going to take this" stand? (Not that I think Bush and company didn't have a totally different agenda.) We don't know, because that didn't happen. I don't want innocent people killed, which is what would have happened had we gone over and fought the way a "war" should be. (and yes, war is war, it's not a pussy-footing around kind of game.) I also cried almost daily for six months after 9/11, and to this day think of all of the innocent lives lost that day. Should we be there in the first place, no, I don't think so. But we are there. So, do we do our job and get our troops home, or sit on the pot, for years to come? It's a lose-lose situation no matter how I look at it.

Spungalo said...

You're right Coll except "They" are not Iraqis.

Anonymous said...

Scott - There, there are three conflicts occurring in Iraq: 1) Sunni v. Shia (sponsored by Iran) - the goal is a destabization of the country to allow a Shia majority (with backing of Iran); 2) Former Iraqi military (in some cases, backed and funded by Al-Qaeda) attacking our troops and targets; 3) Al-Qaeda itself attacking our troops and targets. These last two cases originally started separately but have moved much closer recently. Al-Qaeda is there for sure and there is some truth to Colleen's comment about terrorist focus there keeping some focus off of the mainland U.S. Having said that, there still are a lot of things that can and will likely occur here. I can't wait for a Sunday picnic to discuss this topic in greater detail.


Spungalo said...

By the looks of things outside neither can I Kovie. Of course we will have to busy ourself with more important topics like why people put limes in their Coronas and naming the group that sings the song playing.