Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Flea Market Montgomery

I really thought the LeBron post would be my last of the day but then this was discovered by Mark Pucci, and the link sent to be from Jay B. Maybe you have seen this, and maybe not, but either way you are going to love it.

Eat your heart out Mark from Norton's furniture.


Big Terry Terr said...

Dude I almost didn't watch it. I thought, what could be so interesting about a furniture commercial. That may be my new favorite rap song. I loved the part where he bugged his eyes. He reminded me of Melvin (the incense guy) when he was in kill whitey mode.

Blogger said...

How about the guy in the dingy who was fishing when Rodney's yacht went crazy in Caddyshack?

Let's get this straight: Is Flea Market Montgomery anything like a mini mall?

Anonymous said...

Great now I'm never gonna get that song outa my head.

Spungalo said...

just like robbie, just like

Laura J said...

I can not stop laughing. That may be the greatest rap song ever written. I've got to get there, particulary if it is ANYTHING like a mini-mall.