Saturday, December 9, 2006

Hail to the Victors!

Just wanted to cogratulate Troy Smith (above) on his well deserved Heisman award. And at the same time ask all of you to contemplate this question: If Michigan hates us so much why did they choose a fight song that honors the Buckeyes? I for one say thank you team from up North for all of your support, enjoy your second class bowl.


Lazy Anus said...

A victory over Michigan, an undefeated season, and a Heisman trophy...hell of a season. But now what is an Ohio boy to do? Root for OSU or Florida? OSU is he logical choice but one cannot ignore the St John/Urban Meyer connection either...however if by rooting for OSU gets under Ricks skin in the least I am all in for OSU.

Spungalo said...

I will be rooting for The Ohio State University with all of my heart, I didn't spend 20 bucks on buckeye necklaces to get one wear out of them. However, if Florida pulls a miraculous upset, it will not be nearly as painful as losing to UM or USC.

Anonymous said...

Stranger things have happened in both college and pro this year than the Gators pulling off a "W" over Ohio State. Don't bet your money on this game boys. If you do, you'd be wise to put it on Florida, the only way you'll make any money!

Blogger said...

I can appreciate Florida's Bula connection, but it's all about Ohio State Feb. 8.

The state up north wants so badly to be Ohio. Sorry, losers.